Friday, 2 January 2015

Goals and Resolutions for 2015

Hello! I've got a quick update for you.
I'm never usually been that into making New Years Resolutions but today I'm feeling inspired. I don't know how well they'll go or if I'll stick to them but it's worth a try. Also I'll keep you posted on how they go and let me know yours.

Eat a Healthier Diet
I know what your thinking, this seems to be everyone's goal but I'm really trying to improve my diet because right now it is APPALLING! I really am not confident in the way my body looks and will try anything (that is safe) to get fitter.

Improve my Skin
This coincides with my first goal. You may think this is a bit vague so I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
Cut down on my chocolate/sweet intake.
Not use harsh chemicals on my skin.

Be more Sociable 
I don't know if you can tell by my way of writing but I am a very shy, awkward and self-conscious person. I have 2 best friends one lives in England the other goes to a completely different school. I have no true friends at my school. I always feel like I'm on the outside. I'm generally the joke of the conversation. I really don't know how I'll achieve this goal but I thought I'd write it anyway. 

And finally possibly one of my biggest goals...

Reach 50 Followers on My Blog
Right now I currently have a whopping 0 followers. I know 50 may not seem like a lot to those of you that have blogs with maybe 2000 followers or something of the like but to me 50's huge. It's not like I'm an attention seeker and I only want the popularity. It's the fact that I put effort into this and to be rewarded by people liking and appreciating this blog would be incredible!


  1. Please follow me back! Great post!

  2. This is such a good post, I did one on my blog too if you would like to check it out (
    I get what you mean about the 50 followers thing, 50 followers seems huge to me as well! haha(:
    ps. I love your blog name, it's so unique and idk...sort of cosy? ahah anyway great post x

    1. Thank you sooo much!! I'm gonna check out your blog right now. I didn't know if people would really understand my blog name but you do! It's supposed to be cosy and sorta feel like home! Xx
